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Is your strategic move, be it first mover advantage or improving the quality and efficiency of your business. We help you find all data at one place through research and case studies, to enable you with the power of strategic decision making through effective planning

We provide you with all the learnings to help you succeed in your startup adventure…

‘Gambit’ means to make a strategic or well-planned move. The logo is conceptualized with chess pieces that are symbolic of a mere pawn taking down a king, through a very well planned move “check mate!”

On this platform we will peel off the onion skin layer by layer, learning as we build and understand the different techniques, tactics and strategies to build a successful business be it a product or an idea or a service.

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Writing about all the learnings as well as sharing a fresh new spin or perspective after hardcore Research.

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Going to the depths of each topic, bringing facts to the table to help you plan a suitable way forward.

Photo by Ivan Bertolazzi on

Case studies

Case studies help in understanding the practical use-case of a well researched or theorized topic ensuring relatability and applicability.

  • 3 key focus areas for a startup to build their people strategy

    The foundation for business growth lies in a strong People strategy and culture. Startups often overlook the importance of strategic people planning, leading to heavy cash burn, misalignment with business goals, and inefficient workflow. Key considerations include hiring the right talent, retention through values and growth opportunities, and fostering productivity. These strategies cultivate cultures that…

  • Solution-oriented mindset: How and why to be one…

    In today’s business world, “solution-oriented” is commonly used, particularly in start-up culture. A personal experience at a fashion start-up led to the realization that a solution-oriented mindset involves holistic problem-solving, adapting, and growth. Developing this mindset involves defining problems, researching solutions, considering pros and cons, and practicing a learner’s mindset.

  • Business Model Canvas: An essential precursor to a full business plan

    A business model canvas can be defined as a short one pager business plan, it basically lays the foundation of your business because it focuses on these key areas- your Customers, Revenue streams, Distribution, Value proposition, Key Resources, Activities, Partnerships and your Cost-structure. The business model canvas clearly defines the demand-generation side (internal factors) on…

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